Uncommon Sense

June 15, 2024

Clarence Thomas is a Shill, a Lying Shill

Once again, a Supreme Court Justice has professed expertise he does not possess and lied about the topic at hand to get a decision he wanted.

This is about the “bump stock case” which was a challenge to an executive order of a Republican president outlawing them.  The key point was whether those devices could result in a semi-automatic weapon to be converted into an automatic weapon, commonly called a machine gun. While a semi-automatic weapon requires the shooter to pull the trigger for each shot, a weapon modified with a bump stock does not. “As long as the shooter keeps his trigger finger on the finger rest and maintains constant forward pressure on the rifle’s barrel or front grip, the weapon will fire continuously.” See 83 Fed. Reg. 66516.

The 1934 Firearms Act prohibits civilian ownership of machine guns, defined as a weapon that can shoot “automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.” 26 U. S. C. §5845(b)

Justice Thomas claimed that a shooter had to pull the trigger for each shot fired from a bump stop fitted semi-automatic weapon and that is a bald-faced lie. It is not something even a beginner would mistake. Plus, what value does a bump stock have if it requires the shooter to pull the trigger for each shot. That is no advantage over the plain semi-automatic weapon, and every moderately informed gun person knows that.

How is it that there is no correction available to lies claimed by Justices? Should there not be an appeal process available for such errors/lies?

There is something rotten and it is not in Denmark, it is in the SCOTUS.

And what possible reason could there be to lie about this? Are bump stock manufacturers promising Thomas a lavish vacation? Is it retribution for slavery, causing a hellish stay on Earth for sinful Americans? What?

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