Uncommon Sense

June 14, 2024

Why Did SCOTUS Take the “Mifepristone Case”

Religious conservative troglodytes want the federal government to ban the shipping of the drugs used to cause the majority of abortions in this country, the most common one being mifepristone. The SCOTUS took the case on offer only to point out, with a 9-0 ruling, that the people bringing the case had no standing as those doctors had never prescribed the drug and so neither they nor their patients suffered any harm and so could not bring such a case.

So, why did SCOTUS accept the case in the first place, if the people bringing it had no standing?

Ah, interesting. This was basically a giant waste of the court’s time, so why did they agree to take it in the first place (it only takes four justices to agree to take a case)? The only reason I can see is that they are guiding the litigants in making their next attempt. They are telling then “next time, make sure you have someone being ‘harmed’ when you bring your case.” I say “harmed” because recently the SCOTUS took a case that was entirely fictitious, naming people to have been harmed and the people so noted denied that any harm was done to them.

Not all that subtle, but the court gets what it wants, a violable case to ban abortion drugs being shipped in the U.S. and they get the appearance of being reasonable people in denying this case.

Be on notice. There will be another case attempting to ban the shipping of abortion drugs. It will have someone “harmed” and the conservative justices will jump on it like a dog in heat.

Note—The “news organs” are claiming that SCOTUS “preserved access to the mifepristone drug.” They did no such thing. They didn’t even address the subject as the plaintiffs had no standing so off they were sent.


  1. Good point! I think they also took the case, in part, to give themselves a bit of a boost in the public eye at a time when their approval rating is at an all-time low. This, they thought, might help partially mitigate their ruling in Dobbs. But it backfired on them, for nobody is applauding them for it. Instead, most of us are angered over their ruling on bump stocks.

    Liked by 2 people

    Comment by jilldennison — June 14, 2024 @ 9:43 pm | Reply

  2. You are absolutely correct. It’s so obvious what they do and who they are beholden to and for how much money they get for being their tools. I feel for the other three sane and decent ones as we tend to lump them all together. The other six are a disgrace

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by maryplumbago — June 15, 2024 @ 10:34 am | Reply

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