Uncommon Sense

August 3, 2017

Why Are Americans So Afraid?

I was reading an article over at AlterNet with the title above. The subtitle is “Facts Take a Backseat to Deeply Ingrained Fears.” That article takes a fact-based approach in that they point out that violence has been and continues to be on a decline (for a very long time, even including world wars). That is per capita violence, not necessarily total violence as the population is still growing rapidly. That article’s author concludes that the fear people possess is a belief rather than a conclusion from the facts. A bit of discussion of fear mongering and they were done. I am using the same title, but they were asking the question; I will try to answer it, in part.

They didn’t quite go one step farther and they really need to. Why is America so afraid? That is the emphasis they missed. What might be the basis of American fear? We have experienced far less terrorism than much of the rest of the world, yet we seem to be more afraid, for example. The connection that they missed is that the U.S. is also one of the most religious countries in existence. If you compare our church going rates to, say, Great Britain or France, we are way out in front. It may be the case that not even a majority of Britons believe in a god.

And what is the foundational basis of the form of religion we currently espouse? Fear and belief. And what has been happening in the world of religion in the U.S.? Currently there has been a major increase in market share of the “nones,” those who respond to polls, like the Pew Poll on Religion in America, that their religion is “none.” The Nones have doubled as a percentage of the population in the Pew poll for instance. Atheism is spoken about and written about widely. Conservative religion in this country, in response I believe, has upped the drumbeat. The standard message has always been “we are a sinful nation” and “we need to repent our evil ways or God will punish us.” “If we only were to accept Jesus as our Lord, we would be ‘saved’ from eternal torment when we died.” That sounds like a fear-based campaign if I have ever heard one.

And as churches close or they see large reductions in their numbers of parishioners, the pressure gets increased on the standard message. We are more sinful that we were in the past! We are in even more need of belief! The world is descending into a miasma of degradation! Church going rates are decried as being at all-time lows when, in fact, the church-going rates a little over one hundred years ago were a small fraction of what they are now. They mean a “recent low” but that doesn’t have the impact of “all-time low.” Often this message isn’t all that overt, but it is there. And it provides a base for the feeling of fear from the purveyors of violence. There are secular fear mongers, too (Republicans), but I won’t mention their names (Republicans).

This is not accidental. The cadre of very rich people who are trying to subvert democracy in this country, like fear. They also prefer fear that is not based in fact because real fears have real causes that must be addressed. False fears can be “solved” by the same magic that created them in the first place. You may wonder how long we can be kept in a state of fear. To me, the answer is clear: centuries. If you look at how long many in the South have feared the reprisal of Blacks for how they have been treated by the white community, you will see a history of fear management. During the slave period, whites were ever fearful of slave revolts and any hint of such a revolt produced a vicious backlash. After emancipation, vagrancy laws and sundown laws were used to keep Black Americans in a state of near slavery. Jim Crow laws kept Blacks and Whites from interacting and developing any real relationships. It also kept Blacks weak in that in this country money = power and if you don’t have any money, you don’t have any power. The term “poor Black” became almost an oxymoron in the postbellum South.

The latest manifestation of the fear campaign is to make sure that white Americans saw Black Americans, primarily males, as criminals. By jiggering the laws, a large percentage of the Black male population ended up behind bars. Even when they got out, they were ex-cons and had trouble getting jobs and, well, money = power. This stereotyping campaign has been so effective that many police officers are so afraid of Blacks that they shoot 11-year olds with cap guns and even shoot White women because they don’t take the time to really look at the situation. The laws have told them that if they feel fear, they can shoot. And we have made damn sure they feel fear, a lot of fear.

Feeling fear without reason is the tool of the cadre of very rich folks who are trying to capture our democracy. Trying, hell, they basically have captured our democracy. When was the last time Congress passed a bill that the American people supported? Polls showing 60%, 70%, even 80% public support for legislation which then fails to pass. For example, we cannot seem to deny convicted felons, or people with restraining orders, or the mentally deficient the right to bear arms! That would contribute to people feeling safer and where’s the upside in that? People are so in favor of reasonable gun laws that a majority of NRA members support some of them. But … nah, they really don’t want you to feel safer. People want government-supported health care? Too bad, that would contribute to an overall sense of well-being and safety, so, nope, can’t be done.

The politicians are running the show, but it is religion, American religion, that has provided the base for their fear mongering actions, and, interestingly the religious still support them. The minor fact the Evangelical Christians supported Donald Trump in droves tells you all you need to know. And if you think I am exaggerating read the book Democracy in Chains.

The money = power equation works quite simply. By accumulating a large fraction of this nation’s wealth, the people in this category can have a small cadre with enough wealth to exert more power than the rest of the country can. If you wonder why unions have become powerless. If you wonder why wages have been suppressed for so long, start thinking about money = power. It works both ways. Since we do not have it, we have no power. Since they have it, they have the power, enough power to get their money declared a form of “free speech” by the fucking Supreme Court. Now their expenditures to keep democracy in chains is protected by the Constitution!


  1. […] Full text: Why Are Americans So Afraid? | Class Warfare Blog […]


    Pingback by Why Are Americans So Afraid? | Class Warfare Blog | Just Merveilleux? — August 3, 2017 @ 11:37 am | Reply

  2. I think the NRA has to bear quite a bit of the responsibility for creating a climate of fear. I also think sensational TV shows have contributed. (Crime/police shows, Unsolved Mysteries, etc.) Fear certainly contributes to the economic machine; in fact it keeps the gears greased.


    Comment by Carmen — August 3, 2017 @ 11:57 am | Reply

    • It is the NRA leadership who have been bought off. You need to dig a little deeper. Who are paying those guys? The NRA used to be a rather benign shooting safety and promotion organization … until the wealthy gun manufacturers learned there were huge sales based upon fear to be had. The right people get pushing into the right places and given their marching orders and you have the modern NRA which doesn’t look at all like the NRA of my youth. Heck, they used to sponsor responsible gun legislation. Can you imagine them doing that now?


      Comment by Steve Ruis — August 3, 2017 @ 12:03 pm | Reply

      • It would seem to me to be their responsibility to do that. We have such a marked difference in attitude to guns here in Canada. The thought of owning a handgun just gives me the willies.


        Comment by Carmen — August 3, 2017 @ 12:09 pm | Reply

        • Ah, but you assume that there is an opportunity for the membership to actually do something. Like our popular elections, NRA members are not given the opportunity to vote for other than hand-picked candidates. These mechanisms of control are well-known and wide spread. With regard to your other point, well Canadians are sane. Canadian institutions sailed through the Great Recession because, well, you have sane banking laws and lack certain characteristics that Americans possess, such as greed and an uncaring attitude to others.

          If we keep going down this path, I would like nothing more than to be able to emigrate to Canada, but Canadians, being sensible, don’t accept Americans as immigrants because they do not want their culture polluted (rightfully so).


          Comment by Steve Ruis — August 3, 2017 @ 12:15 pm | Reply

          • Now Steve, don’t be so hard on yourself. We value our American friends/neighbours and even if you could get a place to come to for six months it would be a break! We have made umpteen trips to the States (northern Maine a couple weeks ago. I know, who the hell goes to northern Maine? We did and had a great time.) Every place we’ve visited we’ve met people just like us- friendly, outgoing and accommodating. And SENSIBLE. I feel very bad for those of you who didn’t vote for your new president – the current shit show is certainly not your fault. 😦


            Comment by Carmen — August 3, 2017 @ 12:26 pm | Reply

  3. Fear is easy.


    Comment by john zande — August 3, 2017 @ 12:01 pm | Reply

    • But like riding the tiger, it takes skill to not let it carry you away. These actions are not ill-thought out. They are premeditated and really effective. Consider how Fox (sic) News came into being. There wasn’t a real groundswell of support for such an organ. There was years and years of campaigning against the “liberal media bias” that scholars could find no evidence of. (A not real problem, solved by a not real solution.)

      On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 12:01 PM, Class Warfare Blog wrote:



      Comment by Steve Ruis — August 3, 2017 @ 12:06 pm | Reply

      • “A not real problem, solved by a not real solution.” – a description of religion. 🙂


        Comment by Carmen — August 3, 2017 @ 12:11 pm | Reply

        • Can’t disagree. In fact, it is the classic case of making up a threat that only they can save you from. They don’t mention that the threat and solution come from the same source.


          Comment by Steve Ruis — August 3, 2017 @ 12:28 pm | Reply

      • not real problem, solved by a not real solution… Hey, that’s religion!


        Comment by john zande — August 3, 2017 @ 12:36 pm | Reply

  4. Afraid? Americans? Not me, pal! I ain’t ‘fraid ‘o nuttin’! Nuttin’, ya’ hear! Wait! What’s that on my TV? A self-aggrandizing, tiny-handed, orange monster with a tribble for hair! AHHHH! AHHHH!!! HELP! I’m afraid! I’m very, very afraid! (Great post, BTW).


    Comment by inspiredbythedivine1 — August 3, 2017 @ 12:24 pm | Reply

  5. Great post and interesting points about the NRA. I won’t disagree with your conclusions about religion in the US but…I wonder whether your corporations aren’t just as much to blame. Unregulated capitalism can be as deadly in its own way as every other ‘ism’. Maybe it’s time the corporations gave up some of their much vaunted ‘freedoms’ in the interests of the public good.


    Comment by acflory — August 4, 2017 @ 6:45 am | Reply

    • Oh, our problems are complex, but I do not see corporations doing a lot of fear mongering. What I do see is wage suppression efforts that keep many people on the edge of an economic abyss, which makes people more susceptible to fears. It is the newly rich, mostly corporation executives that form the rank and file in the cadre of very rich people trying to undermine our democracy.


      Comment by Steve Ruis — August 4, 2017 @ 10:34 am | Reply

      • Yeah, that would make sense. More dollars than ‘noblesse oblige’ 😦


        Comment by acflory — August 5, 2017 @ 5:20 am | Reply

  6. I have been wondering a lot lately about this. My religious friends are worried and afraid of the world. They over think the most benign things, and are focused on pleasing the creator so they make the cut and get to heaven. They worry about everything, and “fear not” but are afraid of gods judgement on the world. It’s religions way of control, and it starts when the kids are young. “Do you believe in god?” No. “Do you want to go to hell”? No. You better believe in god or suffer in hell. Ok. I believe. Then all the talk of the heathens bringing gods judgement on the whole nation, sinners and saints alike. Unless you are raptured up. I could go on all day, but I see you already get it. Nice work. Enjoy the day


    Comment by jiminpanama — August 4, 2017 @ 9:20 am | Reply

    • I agree, obviously. Fear mongering is rampant in our culture. We “share” every malady, every misfortune, every disaster in HD with commentary on TV. When I stopped watching TV news and commentary programs I discovered that none of those things happened anywhere near me, enough near to affect me. Some have criticized this attitude as being uncaring, and I agree. I do not care about bus accidents in India, that kill 12. (Film at 11!) I do not care about ISIS as it is a problem those in the region need to deal with (We have to do something about ISIS! No, we do not. I do not think they can reach us in their pickup trucks.) All of this “sharing” we do doesn’t help us because it takes away from what is going on in our own communities and nation we can do something about.

      So, just as an accident alongside the freeway that causes people to slow down and rubber neck, even though all lanes are clear, people’s curiosity is tweaked by such events, so the “news media” feed us a steady stream of such events to capture “market share.” I refuse to participate and I feel less fear because of it.

      Liked by 1 person

      Comment by Steve Ruis — August 4, 2017 @ 9:33 am | Reply

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