Uncommon Sense

March 14, 2017

Betsy DeVos and The Christian Right’s “Big Ideas”

In Rolling Stone there is a big article on our new U.S. Education Secretary (Betsy DeVos’ Holy War by Janet Reitman). (How did Rolling Stone get from being an “entertainment” magazine to the only U.S. magazine with the balls to publish the truth?”)

Here is a condensation of one part of that article:
A staple in modern evangelical teachings is the concept of Christian spheres of influence – or what the evangelical business guru Lance Wallnau dubbed the ‘Seven Mountains’ of society: business, media, religion, arts and entertainment, family, government, and education – all of which urge the faithful to engage in secular culture in order to ‘transform’ it. The goal is a sweeping overhaul of society and a merging of church and state: elevating private charity over state-run social services, returning prayer to school and turning the clock back on women’s and LGBTQ rights. It would also be a system without a progressive income tax, collective bargaining, environmental regulation, publicly funded health care, welfare, a minimum wage – a United States guided by a rigorously laissez-faire system of ‘values’ rather than laws….

More than a few people have questioned my writing about religion in a Class Warfare blog. I tend to write mostly about fundamentalist religions, such as the DeVos family beliefs, because they are seriously at odds with reality. Tell me if you don’t think these people have a political agenda.

For example, look at the list of “features” of our society the DeVos family would rather we did without: a progressive income tax, collective bargaining, environmental regulation, publicly funded health care, welfare, a minimum wage, etc. Notice how these are all ideas that conflict with basic Christian ideology. These are very rich people, Ms. DeVos’ father created Amway, but I don’t expect them to sell all of their worldly goods and go follow Jesus any time soon. The Bible is full of regulations, pages and pages of regulations, including one to be a good steward of the land, hardly in line with the elimination of environmental regulations. Did not Jesus tell his followers to go forth and heal the sick and did he not complain when someone else did likewise (as long as it was in his name)? This is hardly compatible with the elimination of publicly funded health care. People don’t realize how much poverty and ill health there were in our senior citizens before Social Security and Medicare were implemented. These two government programs alone are responsible for pulling massive numbers of old folks out of poverty and desperation.

What the DeVos family and their ilk have done is made a new religion
out of being  politically conservative and rich.

What the DeVos family and their ilk have done is made a religion out of being politically conservative and rich. They are dead set against progressive income taxes and estate taxes as a form of “rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.” Again, this is hardly Christian, but it is right out of the rich man’s plutocratic playbook.

And we now have that new time religion at the highest levels of the US federal government with an attitude of “Well I’m rich and if you aren’t, you can go suck eggs,” the embodiment of Christian charity.


  1. You know where their money comes from, right?


    Comment by The Pink Agendist, née Mr. Merveilleux — March 14, 2017 @ 6:43 pm | Reply

  2. “What the DeVos family and their ilk have done is made a religion out of being politically conservative and rich.” Maybe they are trying to redefine a new religion, but at the very least they are trying to co-0pt an old one to justify their actions. Maybe I am cynical, but I truly doubt the piety of most of these oligarchs for any religious belief; their prayers are for their own wealth.


    Comment by drakodoc — March 16, 2017 @ 9:47 am | Reply

    • Instead of accusing them of being hypocrites, I think rather that they have shaped their beliefs so as to make them feel as if they are true believers.

      On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Class Warfare Blog wrote:



      Comment by Steve Ruis — March 16, 2017 @ 11:06 am | Reply

  3. […] Betsy DeVos and The Christian Right’s “Big Ideas” […]


    Pingback by Christian fundamentalists feeding Into the Toxic Partisanship and driving countries into the Dark Ages… #2 | Stepping Toes — February 8, 2018 @ 1:08 pm | Reply

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